cyprianj's posts

:~:text=Methanogens%20have%20a%20direct%20impact,over%20a%20100%2Dyear%20period).. :~:text=Magma%20rises%20from%20the%20hot,were%20formed%20in%20this%20way)


:~:text=Making%20Dolly&text=These%20experiments%20were%20carried%20out,by%20Professor%20Sir%20Ian%20Wilmut.) revealed the possibility of genetically modifying a…

:~:text=When%20large%20quantities%20of%20fructose,stored%20in%20the%20liver%20cells.). :~:text=When%20an%20apple%20is%20cut,to%20brown%2Dcolored%20secondary%20p…

cit6) or even freeze and will make it more difficult for the lithium ions to move through the electrolyte. If the electrolytes don't move, then certainly we wil…



:~:text=Scrapie%20in%20sheep%20was%20the,1942%20(Chelle%2C%201942).), it was also observed in goats. It did not take long before the first case of this disease …

) and mild infiltration by inflammatory cells (arrows). Fibers appear significantly wavy and damaged (*). (C) A section of the cardiac fibers appears necrotic a…


**Table 1:** Parasites present and Poly-parasites contamination of Green leafy vegetables. **Table 2:** Distribution of intestinal parasites in green leafy ve…





mw-jump-to-license). :~:text=The%20atrioventricular%20(AV)%20node%20is,by%20the%20right%20coronary%20artery.).. mw-jump-to-license). :~:text=B…



mw-jump-to-license). mw-jump-to-license). premature-white-hair). :~:text=Hair%20color%20changes%20result%20not,result%20in%20hair%20colo…


mw-jump-to-license). mw-jump-to-license)

citizen science project as well.

Table 1: Number of samples per herd having parasites and those not having parasites in each herd. Table 2: Frequency and prevalence of Cryptosporidium spp. an…

mw-jump-to-license). :~:text=The%20current%20molecular%20classification%20divides,subgroups%20seem%20possible%20and%20necessary)

:~:text=The%20most%20frequently%20cited%20pulmonary,pulmonary%20adverse%20effects%5B47%5D.). :~:text=The%20most%20frequently%20cited%20pulmonary,pulmonary%20adv…

Table 1: Table of total patients confirmed positive for Both Western Blot and Ziel Nelson assay in the years 2003 and 2004, from January to October.. Table 2:…

:~:text=Herbicides%20are%20chemicals%20used%20to,productivity%20by%20minimizing%20other%20vegetation.). :~:text=Mercury%20released%20from%20pesticides,…

mw-jump-to-license). mw-jump-to-license). mw-jump-to-license). mw-jump-to-license). mw-jump-to-license). mw-jump-to-license). :~:text=After%20a%20meal%…

bib21). This leaves us to the question, what then can we call them?. :~:text=Sound%20is%20measured%20in%20decibels,immediate%20harm%20to%20your%20ears.).. :~:te…

:~:text=More%20individuals%20are%20produced%20each,to%20the%20environment%20will%20survive.).. mw-jump-to-license)

:~:text=Human%20chorionic%20gonadotropin%20is%20a,the%20liver%2C%20and%20the%20colon). :~:text=Human%20chorionic%20gonadotropin%20is%20a,the%20liver%2C%20and%20…

mw-jump-to-license). mw-jump-to-license)

mw-jump-to-license). :~:text=Mosaicism%20denotes%20the%20presence%20of,the%20early%20stages%20of%20embryonic).

ref321186).. mw-jump-to-license)


mw-jump-to-license). mw-jump-to-license). ). :~:text=Abstract,transcriptome%2C%20or%20metabolome%2C%20respectively)

tab=tab_1). mw-jump-to-license)


mask-adaptations-alternatives. accessed 25 may, 2021, 4:38am.

mw-jump-to-license). mw-jump-to-license). :~:text=We%20have%20found%20clinical%20benefit,IgA%20deficiency%20receive%20washed%20RBCs). :~:text=We%20have%20found%…

:~:text=Calibration%20is%20the%20process%20of,according%20to%20ISO%2FIEC%2017025).. :~:text=Accuracy%20refers%20to%20how%20close,Precision%20is%20independent%20…

1). . :~:text=The%20blood%20is%20literally%20green,being%20reflected%20by%20the%20blood).. :~:text=The%20blood%20is%20literally%20green,being%20reflected%20by%2…



:~:text=Each%20year%2C%20%3E98%25%20of,mortality%20(2%2C3)). .YctGoWjMI2w)

mw-jump-to-license). :~:text=The%20authors-,Biosynthesis%20of%20ABO%20and%20related%20antigens,Maccioni%20et%20al.%2C%202011b.)


mw-jump-to-license). mw-jump-to-license). :~:text=Animal%20studies%20have%20shown%20that,higher%20concentrations%2C%20and%20also%20submucosal)


:~:text=By%20following%20good%20respiratory%20hygiene,rub%20or%20soap%20and%20water) remains the gold standard and most effective way to prevent against this de…


mw-jump-to-license">Corona virus virion structure, CC BY-SA

*Note: Some wordings might not mean exactly the same as when translated back to english because even within the Igbo dialect, there are still variations in how…

The licenses. Reverse searching. Plagiarism on words. hivewatchers, @spamminator. Plagiarism will only end up causing you to loose substantial votes and frie…


OCD with the largest members so far. I kept writing on steemit and interacting in communities and gradually it became part of me, a day I don't think of a post …

*Scientific classification*. mw-jump-to-license">Achatina fulica, CC BY-SA

mw-jump-to-license">THE SAGO worm, CC BY-SA

/media/File%3AKurps_in_Warsaw-11-Niedzwiedzcy-Pasieka.jpg">Candles made from beeswax, CC BY-SA

mw-jump-to-license">kidney nephron for excretion, CC BY-SA

*Genetic engineering*. mw-jump-to-license">Gene targeting process by Biostu, under CC BY-SA 3.0


References and further research

Case study.

The bag production process. Bagco bag as a case study . mw-jump-to-license">Low density polypropylene granules, wiki commons by Cjp24 under CC BY-SA 3.0

Brief history of medicine. The foundation . A twist of fate. The concept behind Biomedical Engineering. Fate of mankind. How are these machines and device…

The Hippocampus. The cerebrum. Serotonin. The Cingulate gyrus. The white matter. Conclusion. References and further research

The paracelsus principle and drug actions . Metabolism of alcohol as a case study. mw-jump-to-license">alcohol metabolism in the liver, wiki commons by Mat Os…

The cell cycle . mw-jump-to-license">the cell cycle, wiki commons by KY Pharmacy 1983 under CC BY-SA 3.0

The golden rule. Listen to them. Standards of leaders. Reference. Be a people person by John C. Maxwell

The concept of HS. The normal conception process in women. Why then heteropaternal superfecundation?. Why do some twins differ ?. Reported cases of HS. Ba…

mw-jump-to-license">plastinated human -wiki commons by Nick webb under CC BY-SA 3.0

Introduction. Benefits of a decentralized internet. Who can benefit from being able to exchange bandwidth?. How Bandz Network can impact locations with a la…

mw-jump-to-license). mw-jump-to-license">wiki commons by bruce blaus under CC BY-SA

How is this glycated haemoglobin formed?. Why HbA1c measurement is important. The Glycated Haemoglbin analyser and how it works. Are there factors that can …

Introduction . Sources of Nocosomial infection. Endogenous sources. Exogenous sources. Important factors in nocosomial infection. The immune state of the …

mw-jump-to-license). Introduction. What are normal floras? . mw-jump-to-license">S.aureus- wikimedia commons by CDC under CC BY-SA 3.0

Introduction . Various agents that cause food poisoning . Bacteria . mw-jump-to-license)*. mw-jump-to-license">wikipedia commons by CDC / Janice Han…

Introduction. Definitions of useful terms. Baceteriophage (also known as Phage) . Morphology of a phage. mw-jump-to-license">wikipedia commons by Guido4 und…

The malaria parasite . Life cycle of Plasmodium falciparum. Human (asexual cycle). mw-jump-to-license">Wikipedia commons image by CDC Under CC by SA 3.0<…

The mosquitoes. life cycle . mw-jump-to-license">Wikipedia Commons images by Mariana Ruiz Villarreal LadyofHats under CC BY-SA 3.0

Introduction . General overview about snakes . Snake venom. Mechanism of action. •some contain enzymes which can either activate Hageman factor 12 of the …

Transmission. Symptoms. Diagnosis. Treatment. Prevention. Conclusion

myself. Passion . Principles , Beleifs and motivation. Strength and weakness. The steemit encounter . Mentorship. What I expect and intend to achieve in …
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