As we journey through life, there are some mistakes we might have made along the way consciously or unconsciously.
This mistakes should never be a deterrent factor to our happiness.
There are more years ahead to come and we must focus on accomplishing our mission and purpose on earth.
The truth is that you can never undo the past, rather you learn from the past and the better of as you go along the way.
Mistakes we make simply shows that we are humans are not robots. Mistakes are bound to occur in life and hence never so much dwell on your mistakes, learn from them.
The future holds a lot for you face it. Worrying about your past will only end up most times obscuring you from seeing the true picture ahead.
Don't live a life of regrets accept the mistakes and move on. All you have to do is strive hard to be a better person.
Let the past remain in the past, focus on the future! You are destined to be great, don't limit yourself to the past.
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